Our Needs

High priority Needs for the Ministry

  • Mini Bus (Van) Uganda
  • Sound/Music equipment
  • New laptop computers(4)
  • Desk top Computers(4)
  • Digital Camera(3)
  • Professional Video Cameras(3)
  • VA Generators (2)
  • School and a children’s home(Busamaga)
  • Roofing material for Rural Village churches.
  • Land
  • Projectors(4)

On Going Monthly Needs

  • Rent for the Different Buildings and materials we are using.
  • Bibles for pastors, Village churches and Prison Inmates.
  • Food and Clothes for Orphaned Children at Berakhah Child Care.
  • Transportation and mission support to our outreaches.
  • Medical Supplies and insecticide treated mosquito Nets
  • Monthly sponsorship for Vulnerable and orphaned Children
  • Support and sponsorship for Village pastors

Children’s Toys

  • Small Bicycles – (100 Items)
  • Swings – (100 Items)
  • Legos – (Any/all sizes)
  • Cars/trucks (Large sizes) – 100 Items
  • Bead Table
  • Puzzles
  • Games for children
  • Videos, Bibles and books for children’s church

Women Ministry

  • Land and building for women training Center
  • Sewing Machines
  • A hair dressing saloon equipment
  • Computers for training women
  • 4WD Van for village outreaches